Doctors Successfully Extract an ‘Asparagus-Sized’ Eel from a NZ Man’s Rectum By Christine Hsu / An unidentified man from New Zealand checked into the hospital with a rather embarrassing problem: he needed doctors to extract an asparagus-sized eel from his bottom. Doctors at the A&E department at Auckland City […]
Monthly Archives: September 2012
3 posts
Please keep in mind that the majority of Clownfish supplied be Everclear Aquatics are captive bred and therefor do not increase the pressure on wild populations. Protection Sought for Clownfish That Inspired Finding Nemo Tropical Reef Fish Threatened by Ocean Acidification, Global Warming, Aquarium Trade SAN FRANCISCO— The Center for […]
The workers of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant received a very slimy surprise when they discovered hoards of jellyfish-like creatures clinging to the structure, leading to the shutdown of the plant. The organisms, called salp, are small sea creatures with a consistency similar to jellyfish.